At the heart of what we do is a popular food offering that nourishes children of all ages.

Your New Menu & Promotional Materials to Share

We have included PDF & JPEG versions of this menu, small enough in file size to go onto your website, parents communications systems/emails.
Also included are this term’s Census & Theme Day Flyer that you can use to promote the day.
Please click the download buttons below to view each menu then right click them to ‘save image’.

Dolce_Spring Menu-2024_HALAL ONLY CHOICE-4.0

Slight change to the theme days this term

Due to purchasing issues, we have decided to alter the theme day schedule. World Book Day, which was originally listed as an optional theme day, has now become a fully featured theme day of the spring term.


This is not game over for Super Mario and his friends, we hope to restart the level and host the theme day at another time.

Downloadable Theme Day Files

                                            Dolce World Book Day 2024 Flyer

Download the Dolce logo

to add to your school’s website.
Link our website ‘’ to help your parents quickly access our pre-ordering log in.

Need to get in touch about your menu?